A Note from Pastor Craig
Welcome! We're grateful you took the time to explore The Vail Church. We know that stepping into a church for the first time can be unnerving. At TVC, Jesus Christ is the center of all that we do and all that we pursue. He alone changes our lives from the inside-out. One of the primary ways we grow in our love for Him is through our weekend worship services and ministries.
The adult services are designed to celebrate and engage our Lord through contemporary worship and re-arranged hymns; to learn and hear from Him through His word and to place our lives before Him in prayer.
We want to fall deeper in love with Christ and foster a climate where He can sharpen our minds, transform our hearts, and empower our hands to know Him and make Him known. Additionally, our Children and Youth Ministries break down in classrooms to learn and grow in Christ through worship, community, and age-appropriate curriculum.
We are a non-denominational, Bible-centered, elder-governed, staff-led, and people-empowered church that has the privilege of serving people from all over the world who come to experience this beautiful place called the Vail Valley.
As such, you will find a very diverse group of people in age, stage-of-life, spiritual background, and maturity. We love the fact that on any given Sunday there are people who range from the skeptical to the exploring to the committed.
Though our preaching is unapologetically Bible-centered, we strive to do so in a way that is both fully accurate and yet personally relevant and practical. You might find us working through a book of the Bible verse-by-verse or a topical series in Scripture that addresses the many practical issues we face in our spiritual lives.
The dress is casual, the culture is friendly and gracious, the coffee and doughnuts are fresh, but above all the gospel of Jesus Christ is consistently elevated for it is the Good News of salvation in Christ (Romans 1:16)!
In light of that, we think you will fit right in…regardless of where you find yourself spiritually on your first Sunday with us. As for getting connected to others through Small Groups, Bible Studies, and service opportunities, take a look around our website and get a feel for the many ways you can grow and serve during the week. Hope to see you soon…
With love in Christ,
Pastor Craig